In House
This Course Covers: The theory of fire, Fire safety signage, The Provision of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 (EAV & ELV – HAVS calculation). The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002. (Dust, fuel etc.). The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (LEAVs & UEAVs). Occupational Health surveillance, Requirements of Regulation 9 Training, Hazards of Abrasive Wheels, PPE Requirements, Abrasive Wheel Marking System, Examination.
Practical Demonstration and Assessment.
The relevant and specific health and safety legislations, understanding site plans and avoiding hazards, safe systems of work and digging practices, pre-use tests, maintenance, and correct operational techniques for equipment, ensuring CAT and Genny compatibility
And a multiple-choice test and practical assessment using a CAT and Genny.
Background to the CDM Regulations 2015, Where CDM Applies, Notification of CDM Projects, Roles & Responsibilities of Key Duty Holders under CDM 2015, Competence and Resource Assessments, Pre-Construction information Pack, Schedule 2 (Welfare), Content of the Health & Safety Plans and File, Open Question & Examination.
The Health Effects of Hand-Arm Vibration; Sources of Hand-Arm Vibration; Who’s at Risk, and if so What Level of Risk? The Risk Factors (Exposure). How to Recognise and Report Symptoms, The Need for Health Surveillance. Ways to Minimise Risk Including: Changes to Working. Practices to Reduce Vibration Exposure; Correct Selection, Use and Maintenance of Equipment; Correct Techniques for Equipment Use, How to Reduce Grip Force etc; Maintenance of Good Blood Circulation at Work.
The Control of Asbestos Regulation 2012, What is Asbestos? Health Effects of Exposure including the Increased Risk for Smokers, Products & Materials Contain Asbestos, How to avoid Operations That May Lead to Exposure, Managers Responsibilities (How to Protect Workers), Understanding Asbestos Registers & Surveys, Emergency Procedures if Asbestos is found or Disturbed, Photo library of Asbestos Containing Materials, Video (What everyone needs to Know about Asbestos), Controlling & monitoring of work, Examination.